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Soil fertility the mobile testing reliable?

We are in Ibadan the south west zone of Nigeria......soil test is simply checking for how fertile your farm soil is. When you know the level of all the nutrient in the soil, your soil class, whether or not the nutrient can be release to the crop for uptatake and many more info about your farm soil, you are following Agronomical best practise. The knowledge of your soil fertility help farmers to:
1. Know type of fertilizer to apply, what Qty, when to apply and what method of application to adopt
2. It helps farmer know what intervention measure to take when your crop is looking distressed
3. It helps the farmer to predict safely expected yield
4. It helps farmers to know whether or not the soil needs amelioration before planting
5. It helps farmers to manage the crop
6. It help farmers to know if the farm soil can be used for mix cropping and which crop can be intercroped.
I can go on and on......

Kenfarm must quickly say not all soil test is standardized to help you know all the above. Do not patronise cheap and substandard soil fertility testing expert .....kenfarm pride herself in the expertise put into our clients soil fertility test. For more detail, contact us via: or call the phone line on our signature asap.

........Join the new generation farmers who wouldn't take any valid decision on their farm until the farm soil fertility is ascertain.

Ecological factors, global warming cum Human spacial pattern have degraded our land, hence, there is urgent need to know the level of degradation of that farm soil before putting to use.

Somebody ask me if the mobile soil test is accurate? My response is a big NO!! Why??

1. It do not give an accurate data report of the soil fertility
2. It can not measure or give the CEC value....the CEC value Indicate whether or not you Macro and micro element if available will be realised into the soil
3. It does not indicate the % of macro and micro element
4. It does not indicate the soil textural class
5. If you are a scientist, you will understand that you can not use a data gotten from a portion of your land to generalise. I mean you can not deep the mobile soil tester into a portion of the land and use the result outcome to generalise for the whole farm. That is gross erroneous. Rather the test we do at kenfarm is volumetric analysis where sample of soil is picked from the whole farm land, processed and taken to the lab for analysis. The result is a true picture of the whole farm land.

Note that you can not keep using this mobile tester to test your soil and expect a good yield. When you do it right, you get it right.


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  • Dollars Avenue, Arulogun Road
    Ojoo-Barrack Road
    Ojoo, Ibadan,
    Oyo State, Nigeria
